Vision Screening Specialist

Newton Pediatrics

Pediatrics, Travel Medicine, & Pediatric Obesity Medicine located in Wellesley, MA and Waltham, MA

Vision screening is an important tool for detecting children’s sight problems and eye diseases. Newton Pediatrics provides routine vision screening at its offices in Wellesley and Waltham, Massachusetts, that identify issues with your child’s eyes so you can get them any treatment or sight correction they need. Call your nearest Newton Pediatrics office to inquire about a vision screening or book an appointment online today.

Vision Screening Q&A

What is vision screening?

Vision screening is an eye test that identifies sight problems and eye disorders in children. If the screening test indicates there are any problems, your provider at Newton Pediatrics can arrange more in-depth tests for a detailed diagnosis and treatment.

A vision screening can pick up common eye problems that affect children, such as:


Amblyopia (lazy eye) causes reduced or blurry vision in one eye.


Strabismus (crossed eyes) is where the child’s eyes look in different directions rather than moving in the same way.


Myopia (nearsightedness) makes things that are far away look blurry.


Hyperopia (farsightedness) makes things that are close look blurry.


Astigmatism causes blurriness due to misshapen curvature within the eye. 

When should my child have a vision screening?

Children should undergo vision screenings regularly. Infants have an eye check as part of their newborn care, then an additional vision screening at six months. From 1–4 years, your child should have a vision screening at all their well-child visits. Children over five years need an annual vision screening.  

You can also book a vision screening at Newton Pediatrics if you have any concerns about your child’s eyes. For children over three months old, signs to look out for include:

  • Difficulty making steady eye contact
  • Eyes that look misaligned
  • Squinting
  • Closing or covering an eye
  • Trouble reading 
  • Problems with close-up work
  • Complaints of blurriness
  • Increased blinking 
  • Red or watery eyes
  • Droopy eyelids
  • Light sensitivity 

Your provider at Newton Pediatrics can assess your child and see if they need further testing or treatment.

What does vision screening involve?

Vision screening tests take several forms, including:

Distance vision test

For a distance vision test, school-age children look at a chart on a wall or screen with large letters on the top row. Each row beneath has progressively smaller letters. Your child views the chart from a distance of 20 feet, covers one eye, and reads the letters as far down as they can.

A preschooler’s distance vision test uses a wall chart with one letter (usually E or C) or pictures in different positions. Your child points in the direction of the letter or picture. 

Close-up vision test

For a close-up vision test, your child has a small card with lines of text that get smaller toward the bottom. They hold the card 14 inches away from their face and read the text.

Color blindness test

A color blindness test uses cards with colored symbols or numbers hidden by multicolored dots. A child with color blindness would struggle to see these symbols and numbers.

If a vision screening indicates your child has any problems, your pediatrician can advise you on further tests and any treatments they may need.

To arrange a vision screening for your child, call Newton Pediatrics or book an appointment online today.